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MLB Haikus by Ciaran Murphy

MLB Comments

The first 4 Haikus are regular, then the fifth is a reverse Haiku, then It returns to Regular



  1. The MLB, rigged.

Especially the draft, when;

Good teams have good picks.


  1. Red Sox are the best.

No matter what they will say

High ups are so swayed


  1. The Yankees always

Know that they are so corrupt

And think they can cheat.


  1. The Yankees think that;

They can make up claims- they’re false

Are they cheating? Yes.


  1. The Astros have the liking

Of the higher ups, and

I know because of their pick


  1. There are some teams that,

When given the chance for a,

Cheat they will take it


  1. Major League Baseball

Has become more and more corrupt

Because teams do cheat

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