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The Earthquake in Japan

By Sarah Raines

On Friday March 11, Japan was struck by an 8.9 (now upgraded to 9.0) earthquake, creating a large tsunami with waves around 23 feet high.

While we were in bed, the earthquake shook the whole country. Buildings swayed, glass shattered, and cars were swept away in the tsunami that followed the quake. The hardest hit town was Sendai, a coastal town, near the epicenter of the earthquake. The tsunami surged through the town, all the way to the town limits, and almost everything there was either broken beyond repair, or carried away by the wall of water.

The airport was completely totaled, leaving behind massive piles of rubble and debris. In Tokyo, the capital of Japan, people grabbed their valuable belongings, and hid under doorways and desks, hoping that the quake would end.

Some of the results of the quake are lack of food, nuclear radiation issues, because of the tsunami waves ruining nuclear plants, and lack of housing. Also, the country of Japan was shifted 8 ft., and the earth was shifted on its axis 6 and a half inches, causing each day to be a microsecond or two shorter. Sadly, many people have passed away, and many people were left out in the cold. Hopefully, Japan will recover quickly from this disaster.


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