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Would You Like to Know???? What???

Hey Everyone! Listen up! Put down that Twinkie because you don’t know how much bad stuff is in that thing!  Because I got something to ask you! Now be warned this might make you think a little more than you normally do (or can).
If you could know when, where, how and why you die would you want to know?

Scary right? Now your probably thinking: Why would someone say yes? Or Why would someone say no?

Yes: Someone might want to know because if they knew when they could tell all the people they hate that they hate them the day before they die. They could do all the daring stuff they never thought possible. They could know when and do the stuff they would be aloud to do. They could brake the rules and would be able to get in trouble. It also might be good because what if you die at 104? then you could live a long happy life. It might be a fun surprise! You could party all night and stay up all night the day before you’re death.  They would want to die satisfied knowing that they’ve accomplished all of they’re dreams, and no holding back.

No: others might say the don’t want to know when they die because they would be too nervous about it. Because shouldn’t you live every day like its you’re last? And how would it benefit you? Would it make you happier? More sad? What if it says “ NOW DUCK!”  that would be funny! I mean scary…haha. What if you die in a really bad way? Suffering and a slow painful death? That wouldn’t be funny! They also might have no control, have anxiety, have fear. they might live the rest of their lives in dread because they find out they die in a horrible way. They might be surprised, shocked, and worried. It’s to risky , because there is a chance it might you might live a peaceful pleasurable life or you could live short devastating life.

So please comment on would you want to know? Or not? Think about it…

Special thanks to opinions from: Lily T, Sharmila M, Julia R, Chris L, Andy H, Shayla M, Alexis G, Mr.Lenz, Abby M, Katie D, Amanda K, Sarah R, Mr.Gorsky, Agatha F, Mr.Lafond, Ms.Galvani, Mr.O’Connor, and all of Red Social Studies Class, David Cluster.

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