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Marvel’s New Superheroes: Nurses! by Rhea Sethi

Marvel’s New Superheroes: Nurses!

By Rhea Sethi

As you might already know, Marvel has produced phenomenal comics, hooking fans into stories of adventure. Well, their new comic is perhaps the greatest of them all. This new comic is called The Vitals: True Nurse Stories, featuring superheroes in real life: nurses! 

After the experience of 2020, we all now know that real superheroes don’t wear capes, instead they wear scrubs. Marvel and Allegheny Health Network (AHN) agreed. “At Marvel, we tell stories about heroes every day,”  stated Marvel President Dan Buckley. “But this story is special. It tells a story about our everyday heroes – the nurses and healthcare professionals working tirelessly and courageously to save lives. Along with AHN, we are honored to help tell these stories, which we dedicate to the real heroes who are saving the world.” 

The story is about nurses working hard and saving lives in the toughest of situations. Trust me, it’s a lot more enthralling than fictional superheroes.

Who are the people who made it possible for us to read this breathtaking comic? It was written by Sean Ryan and penciled by Ze Carlos, Mirko Colak and Marcio Fiorito. 

If I were you, I would go online and grab a ebook version right now! Wait, they have free ebooks? Yup! To read the comic online all you have to do is search up Marvel, The Vitals. Then select the link that says “The Vitals: True Nurse Stories (2020) | Comic Issues | Marvel” After you are redirected to the Marvel Comics website, scroll down to where it says “digital issue” and press “read now.” How easy was that?  

Now I’m sure you want to go read the comic so I’m not gonna spoil it. Just remember that you are reading about real superheroes and real struggles. It is important that we honor these heroes who are there for us.

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