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Homework by Kyleigh Bonds-Francis

Friend or Foe

Is homework a good thing or should it be removed?

You walk up the stairs,  thinking about your test tomorrow. As soon as you get to your room you shove your backpack across the floor and throw yourself onto your bed. You think, ugh why do we have to have homework? Yes homework can be a pain, but  there are some upsides.

For Better or for Worse

Let’s talk about the pros and cons. Right now homework is a crucial objective  in many countries and states. Teachers assign things for students to do at home to help them better understand for the lesson tomorrow or the lesson from today. Not only is homework for better understanding but for skill and stamina. “It would take another year for each grade to learn if there was no homework,” says Wilson Harding, a student from Wayland Middle School.Though homework is good in many ways it’s also bad. Many people  (kids mostly) call it hard, stressing, horrible, devilish, and even the work of satan himself….. Others think that homework should be reduced to a smaller proportion. “I believe homework should be reduced by 99.9999999999999999999……..%.” says Tom White, homework hating expert.


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