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Buying or Renting a Second Home: Is it worth the money? by Owen Smith


Bigger and Better

Most people have to shop or go to sports games on weekends but Sam Cahaly, brother of two, is getting ready to go kayaking, hiking or skiing.

A second home can even sometimes be better than your other home. In your usual house you need everything necessary to live a happy life, but in a second home you don’t need all that stuff which makes more room for extra beds and even a hot tub.

“I just love to be able to have my cousins over to my New Hampshire house”, says Sam Cahaly. Lots of people have pets but will hotels let you have them? No, but if it’s your house, your rules so you can bring any pets you want.

Don’t need to cram stuff in.

When you’re on a vacation you usually only stay for a week or so and that causes you to try to cram all the fun stuff that you want to do into the time that you’re staying. If you have a second home you have It for a couple months at the least. When you have it for a long time you don’t have to cram everything in, too tired to ski today? No problem.

More convenient

Sam Cahaly’s house is being renovated at the moments and he finds it to be a struggle. On weekends he can get away from the trouble and go to his New Hampshire house. “It just relieves so much stress” says Sam. You can also leave some stuff at the New Hampshire house so that your trips won’t be so crammed. A second house will be available at any time no need for scheduling it ahead of time like a hotel.

Andy Smith’s second home can hold up to 14 people.

What about the bad stuff?

There is very few bad stuff about buying or renting a second home. The only thing that is a challenge when you’re buying or renting a second home is taking care of the home, like checking on it after bad weather. Although there are some small struggles it’s a small price to pay when compared to the benefits of buying or renting a second home.

Is it worth the money?

The prices for buying a second house in New Hampshire is usually close to $250,000 but the prices for renting can really vary. Some house owners will just have you an overall price but some make you pay for appliances separately along with the overall price. They make you pay for how long you’re renting but they also make you pay a different price depending on when you’re renting. If it’s a ski house they will make you pay more in the winter, they will also make you pay more on holidays. It’s easy whether you’re buying or renting you can always find a house with the right price, the right size and at the right time.

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